(Full publication list in CV. Preprints of papers available.)
(Selected) Articles.
Forthcoming (2024/2025).
(Full list of publications from 2013 to present in CV.)
- Accepted with minor revisions: Barwich, A.S., Firestein, S., M. Dietrich. "Wider than the Sky: An Alternative to "Mapping" the World onto the Brain." European Journal of Neuroscience. Preprint: https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/z9jqx
- Accepted with minor revisions: Barwich, A.S. "Olfaction is a Spatial Sense." Review of Philosophy and Psychology
- OPEN ACCESS: Beer, R., Barwich, A.S., and G. Severino. "Milking a spherical cow: Toy models in neuroscience." European Journal of Neuroscience
- Barwich, A.S., and M. Rodriguez. “Rage Against the What? The Machine Metaphor in Biology.” Biology & Philosophy.
- OPEN ACCESS: Barwich, A.S., and G. Severino. “The Wire is not the Territory: Representational Drift in Olfaction.” Topics in Cognitive Science (topiCS), SI: The Dynamical Hypothesis Three Decades Later: Advances, Critiques, and Prospects for a Dynamical Cognitive Science (ed. by L. Favela, and V. Raja): doi.org/10.1111/tops.12689.
- OPEN ACCESS: Barwich, A.S., and B.C. Smith. “From Molecules to Perception: Introduction to the Philosophy of Olfaction.” Philosophy Compass 17(11): e12883.
- OPEN ACCESS. Barwich, A.S., and E.L. Lloyd. “More than meets the AI: The possibilities and limits of machine learning in olfaction.” Frontiers in Neuroscience 16: 981294.
- Barwich, A.S. “Imaging the living brain: An argument for ruthless reductionism from olfactory neurobiology.” Journal of Theoretical Biology 512: 110560.
- OPEN ACCESS: Barwich, A.S. “What makes a discovery successful? The story of Linda Buck and the olfactory receptors.” Cell 181(4): 749-753.
- OPEN ACCESS Barwich, A.S. “The Value of Failure in Science: The Story of Grandmother Cells in Neuroscience.” Frontiers in Neuroscience 13: 1121.
- OPEN ACCES: Barwich, A.S. “A Critique of Olfactory Objects.” Frontiers in Psychology 10: 1337.
- Barwich, A.S. “How to be Rational about Empirical Success in Ongoing Science: The Case of the Quantum Nose and its Critics.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 69: 40-51.
- Barwich, A.S., and K. Bschir. “The Manipulability of What? The History of G-Protein Coupled Receptors.” Biology & Philosophy 32(6): 1317–1339.
- Barwich, A.S. “Up the Nose of the Beholder? Aesthetic Perception in Olfaction as a Decision-Making Process.” New Ideas in Psychology 47: 157-165.
- Barwich, A.S., and H. Chang. “Sensory Measurements: Coordination and Standardization.” Biological Theory 10(3): 200- 211.
(Full list of publications from 2013 to present in CV.)
Science Communication.
- “What Did the Past Smell Like?” (Get a whiff of a new sensory experience in history) Nautilus, December 9.
- “Our Mind-Boggling Sense of Smell.” (How your brain identifies an aroma from its minute molecular traces is a marvel). Nautilus, October 14.
- “How to change your mind - over a glass of wine.” (Becoming an expert in anything, whether it’s wine tasting or mathematics, changes the way you perceive the world) Proto.Life, September 10.
- “Going viral: What Covid-19-related loss of smell reveals about how the mind works.” STAT NEWS, August 14.
- “Mind your Nose.” (How smell training can change your brain in six weeks—and why it matters) Proto.Life, April 26.
- “It's hard to fool a nose.” (Why might it be easier to fool your eyes than your nose?)" Aeon, March 30.